itswd pricing PLan
It is our goal to be as clear and transparent as possible about the website creation process. Below you will find an itemized list of what is included in our website package offer.

For your investment of $997 you will receive:
1. One primary, designed home page (with up to 4 supplemental, supporting pages)
Your homepage will include:
Logo (with website color hex codes provided by client)
2 Stock Images
Header (with welcome statement and/or client's tagline)
About Section
Who We Serve Section
What We Offer Section (Itemized list/description of client services)
About the Founder and/or Meet the Team Section
Testimonials (At least 2 but up to 4 testimonials max)
1 Basic Contact/Inquiry Form
Social Media Bar (to connect to your social media profiles)
'Subscribe to Our Site/Newsletter' Form (Optional)
(*The supplemental pages will be based on the linked buttons on the home page. This way we don't have to share too many words in any one section, we will just add a 'read more' button that will take your site visitor to that page to learn more.)
2. Your website's domain name (if you don't already have one)
3. One year of Wix website hosting (after one year you will pay a base rate of around $14 a month if you remain on the same hosting plan.)
4. Your site will be desktop & mobile responsive
5. You will receive 2 weeks of complimentary support after delivery (video tutorials of how-to's)
6. You will have access to tutorials to maintain & update your site as needed
*Disclaimer: There will be an expectation that the requested information be submitted within the time frame asked for & mutually agreed upon. If content is not submitted after a specified time, the site (along with tutorials) will be transferred to client so client can bring to completion.

still have questions?
If you need additional clarity after reading the Pricing Plan and reviewing the FAQ section, please send me an email.