What others are saying...

My daughter and I were in constant conflict every time we needed to head in the same direction on something. She often felt like I didn’t listen to or like her ideas; and I felt like she was rebelling against anything that was my idea. I was very hurt and felt like my child didn't like me. After going through the personality and Power Trait’s process with Terikka, I learned that my daughter had her own identity and way of processing information. She was designed that way.
As parents, we are our children's first teacher and I did not need to have her walk every step in my footsteps but to know who she was and help her carve her own path in life.
This process has helped me with my children and my marriage. As we understand each other’s identity we are able to communicate and work together better. My life and my family's life was changed in the best way going through this training.
Aletta Wayman-Venzant, (Parent & Founder of Journey Girl)

Terikka, thank you for sharing your vision on how important it is to know who our children are and how they learn best. I believe it is crucial to becoming the best you, you can be regardless of race, gender, economic status or educational levels.
The school system somehow misses this point that we are all unique and wonderfully made with our positive strengths but there is the tendency to focus on our weaknesses​.
Linda Black, Parent (Parent Leadership Team, Roadmap Region)
Upward Bound Students
If asked to name a teacher that has had a huge impact on my life, I would have to say the first person to come to mind is Mrs. Faciane. She has given me confidence and taught me to be proud of who I am. She pushed me to look deeper into my heart than I would have ever dared and now I can truly say that I know who I am and where I plan to go. Mrs. Faciane, I thank you so much for everything!!! - Faith
I thank you Mrs. Faciane for being such an inspirational teacher. You taught me so much. You made me express things that I thought I couldn’t. Thank you! - Mario
Mrs. Faciane, I thank you so much for being such a great teacher. I have never had a teacher like you in any of my classes. I loved it, you were such an inspiration to me. Thanks again. - Alicia
Mrs. Faciane, it was nice being in your class. I almost cried when we left today. You were so inspirational. You were the best teacher I ever had. I thank you, and I will never forget all you taught. - Tiama
Mrs. Faciane, you were a good listener, your class was the only class I liked. You made class fun with the cool activities. You helped me find myself. - Mason
Mrs. Faciane, you’ve honestly been the most inspiring teacher I’ve ever had. Thank you for caring and believing in us so much. - Alyssa
Educational Leaders

Deidre Jones, M.Ed., School Counselor (San Bernardino City, USD)
Mrs. Faciane has a passion for helping young people that is contagious. She has the ability to motivate students and get them to work hard as well as open up about personal issues. She has a genuine concern for others that makes her approachable and easy to talk to. She is creative and thinks outside the box.

Micki Poole Grayson, M.Ed., Director - Office of TRIO Programs at Moreno Valley College
Terikka Holmes Faciane is a powerful force that motivates people to look within themselves and recognize the greatness that lies within. She has a way of getting people to not just dream about their futures, but propels them into action by offering practical action steps to move people to step into their destiny.

Rita Lin, Education Consultant
It is a true delight to watch Mrs. Faciane deliver her message of hope and truth to our youth today. Her words not only shed light and insight into the lives of students, she also challenges them to live as leaders with integrity as the individuals they were destined to be.
I have witnessed lives changed, truth spoken, and encouragement poured out to many through the work of Mrs. Holmes Faciane. IT’S TIME has been a part of the life calling and passion of Mrs. Faciane, which has grown into a movement today that I hope will touch many more youth in the generations to come.

Kathryn Robinson, Ed. M. (National Manager of Literacy Training at City Year)
I have known Terikka Holmes Faciane for over fifteen years both as a personal friend and as a colleague. Throughout my time knowing her, I have found her to be a fantastic listener and encourager, both excellent qualities to have when working with others. Whether helping friends, family members, church members, or students, Terikka has an amazing ability to listen to their problems, understand where they are in their journey, and deliver just the right words to encourage them through whatever situation they are going through.
Although Terikka provides great counsel to all types of people, she is highly gifted in her work with young people. She has a long history of working with youth, guiding them through all kinds of issues and helping them to achieve their personal best. Because she works to find ways to relate to and reach them on their level, young people really listen to her. She not only serves as a great role model for them, but also a great inspiration.